Connections Oz 2023 Registration

Hi, after some last minute issues, I can announce Connections Oz is scheduled for 8-9 Nov.

This year, we return to an online format as this is both more accessible to our interstate (and international) colleagues and allows us to bring the date forward into November to avoid end of year holidays and postings etc. We will schedule a couple of sessions in the mornings and the evenings so we can have a few international speakers.

Please see the registration page for tickets. Registration is mandatory as only registered attendees will be sent the links to the sessions.

Please circulate the details to any of your colleagues you think may be interested.

If you would like to present something, or would like to request we try to cover a specific topic, please use the Connections Oz email found on this page.

In the absence of a specific topic or theme, I am quite interested to explore people’s experience of designing wargames and what they learn about the topic from that research and design process. But, as usual, we welcome presentations and discussions on almost any wargame related topic.

The program will be updated as details are confirmed.